Introductory Lesson to Zechariah

For today’s lesson we have an introduction to our next study: “Messiah is Coming” from the book of Zechariah.

The study of Zechariah is Volume 11 in our overall study of the Minor Prophets, Majoring in the Minors. Zechariah is the second of our 3 post-Babylonian Exile Prophets (Haggai, Malachi).

Opening: Do you think there is one person alive today that could address all of our political, economic, and social problems? Do you long for someone to come along with a magic wand and set everything straight? Would you follow that person no matter what?

The people of Judah, God’s people were waiting for such a person. In their Holy Scriptures, it had been prophesied that one day, the Lord’s Anointed, the Messiah would come to establish dominion on the earth, restore Israel to a prominent place and deal with Israel’s enemies once and for all.

Zechariah and Haggai had overlapping prophetic ministries so the background and setting for both prophets is the same.

Both Haggai and Zechariah encouraged the builders of the Temple. And while Haggai alluded to the coming Messiah and His glorious reign, Zechariah’s ministry and preaching was much more focused on the coming of the Messiah.


  • Music: How Deep the Father’s Love for Us by Stuart Townsend
  • Performed by Stacey Figueroa
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