Introductory Lesson to Malachi

For today’s lesson we have an introduction to our next study: “Return to Me” from the book of Malachi.

The study of Malachi is Volume 12 in our overall study of the Minor Prophets, Majoring in the Minors.

Malachi is the third of our 3 post-Babylonian Exile Prophets (Haggai, Zechariah).

Opening: Have you ever grown stale in any area of your life? Perhaps you are in such a place with your diet. You know you should be eating healthier. And you don’t even like what you have been eating that much. But you cannot seem to find new ideas for cooking and eating.

Or perhaps you are seeing some staleness at your work. I mean you like the company, you like the people but the work bores you and you need a new challenge. Yet, you keep going through the motions because it is easier than starting the whole process of figuring out what do next.

And maybe, some of your relationships are a bit dry. Perhaps you have been married many years now and the initial excitement is no longer there. You still love each other but maybe the routine has overtaken you.

And what about your relationship with the Lord? Is it as dynamic as it once was? Is He still the priority in your life? Do you love spending time with Him in prayer and in His Word?

Furthermore, are you giving Him your best every day?

This study will capstone our Majoring in the Minors study. I am excited about the study of Malachi but also a little sad.

We started this journey through the Minor Prophets in February of 2018 and here we are about 1.5 years later just about to close it out.

But we are not quite done yet. Just to set things up, Malachi’s ministry occurs about 100 years after the ministry of Haggai and Zechariah.

Suffice it to say the people of Judah were experiencing a staleness in their relationship with the Lord. In spite of the fulfilled promise of the return of the exile.

In spite of the fact that the Temple was rebuilt things were not right between God and His people.

The Lord is going to call them on it. He is going to call on them to repent and to return to Him.

So, if you are feeling a little stale in your relationship with the Lord and if you are feeling distant from Him, this series is for you.

God loves His people and we can always return to Him.

Malachi's Timeline


  • Music: How Deep the Father’s Love for Us by Stuart Townsend
  • Performed by Stacey Figueroa
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